
Skablonka The QR Key Generation System for Skablonka

The client approached us with the idea of a system capable of issuing various types of QR keys (permanent, temporary, single-use, recurring) for electronic locks. We were on it. These keys were to be sent to clients through multiple communication channels like Viber, Email, WhatsApp, and Messenger using the Twilio system. Their product aimed at revolutionizing the hospitality industry by enabling seamless, 24-hour check-in for holiday accommodation without the need for physical keys.


The main challenge was creating a robust, versatile, and secure system that could generate a multitude of QR keys while integrating with various communication platforms. Additionally, ensuring the security of these digital keys was paramount, given the potential risk of unauthorized access. 

The project's expansive scope, coupled with the high degree of precision required to create a user-friendly and secure experience, presented a significant technological hurdle.



Our approach involved leveraging the power of modern development tools and security protocols. We aimed to build a comprehensive key generation system capable of producing various QR keys, depending on the needs of the users. 
By integrating the Twilio API, we planned to provide seamless multi-platform communication capabilities, ensuring that QR keys could be easily and securely shared with clients.


For the back-end development, we chose Laravel due to its efficiency and scalability in handling concurrent requests, crucial for a QR key generation system. We utilized the Twilio API for its robustness in multi-platform communication, enabling seamless sending of QR keys through various channels.

For security, we implemented advanced cryptographic algorithms to secure the QR keys, ensuring the safety of our client's users.



Through our innovative approach and the use of cutting-edge technology, we provided Skablonka with a versatile and secure system for their QR key needs. Our solution met the varied requirements of their electronic lock system, providing a foundation for future feature expansions. 
With the secure, efficient key generation and distribution system, as well as the seamless integration with multiple communication platforms, we delivered an advanced solution that has added significant value to the client’s ambitious project, aiding in their mission to revolutionize the hospitality industry.

Team: Project Manager | UX/UI Designer | Full-stack Developer | Backend Developer

Deliverables: Web application